Sunday, April 6, 2008 - very easy!

When we say make money online, it include one of the most conventional method, that is to sell product. The internet has become a very effective way to sell things, as more and more people are getting online. So here comes The market place of Malaysia.

As the name suggested, it works as a virtual market, where people come to buy and sell their items. The list of items in this market is unbelievably long. If you think hypermarket offers a lot of variety, here you can get almost anything (except for fresh food items lah) from cars to a historic coin. And I actually mean car, don't believe?take a look at the picture below

Unlike online auction, this is a market where price are fixed, so there are no sky-rocket price, or price manipulation occur. If you are not happy with the price, or you want to ask for a lower price, contact the advertiser.

So for seller, no more worries of high rental shop lot or inadequate parking space, while for buyer, you can buy anything without stepping out of the house and risk having sunburn.

We should follow the trend now, which is: everybody goes online.

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